More Dometic stuff…(good news for a change)

July 23, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Industry News, What's New 

Some good news from Dometic- in a story from RV, I see that Dometic is moving its refrigerator production from Sweden to the US- Elkhart, In.

This will create 180 new jobs right away, with over 200 jobs in the long run. They are closing an 80 year old plant in Sweden, and chose Elkhart over opening a plant in China or Mexico.

Props to Dometic!


Website stuff

July 7, 2009 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: What's New 

A quick note- I’ve moved my websites to a beta (experimental) server. It gives me much more control, but until it gets out of beta, there might be times when it acts odd.

So far so good, but I switch back and forth between the old and new servers. I promise not to loose any comments, though 🙂

To add to the fun- I had eye surgery which didn’t go as well as hoped, and then fell off a ladder, resulting in a hematoma in my chest…. argh!


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